Daseinsanalysis (Holzhey-Kunz Alice)

Daseinsanalysis (Holzhey-Kunz Alice)

Daseinsanalysis (Holzhey-Kunz Alice)

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Daseinsanalysis (Holzhey-Kunz Alice) - termékleírás

Daseinsanalysis - the psychiatric and psychotherapeutic school of thought founded by Ludwig Binswanger and Medard Boss in the 1940s - had a huge impact on the development of existential therapies in the English-speaking world. This highly stimulating and lucid book gives a critical overview of the daseinsanalytic concepts of Binswanger and Boss and explains their key differences. Author Alice Holzhey-Kunz gives a systematic account of a new approach to mental suffering - based on Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Sartre - that never loses sight of Freud's fundamental insight into the hidden meaning of apparently senseless neurotic symptoms. She goes on to demonstrate that mental suffering is a 'suffering from our own being' before considering the therapeutic implications of the existential view of mental suffering, concluding that Freud's three technical rules provide the optimal conditions for understanding and engaging with these baffling existential experiences.

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