Erewhon (Butler Samuel)

Erewhon (Butler Samuel)

Erewhon (Butler Samuel)

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Erewhon (Butler Samuel) - termékleírás

pbiErewhoni, an anagram for nowhere, is a faraway land where citizens follow a unique set of rules disregarding conventional beliefs about money, health and science.b Beneath the surface, Erewhon is fueled by hypocrisy and inhabitants are riddled with fear.p pA traveler stumbles across a remote country that appears to be a peaceful paradise. It's a utopian society that doesn't use or value money in a traditional way. Criminals are considered sick and treated as patients, while the ill are imprisoned and labeled as criminals. There's also an overwhelming distrust of machines, which are outlawed due to their potential to evolve and overthrow their masters. Erewhon's superficial qualities grow to become a source of contempt and distrust.p piErewhoni illustrates a world where an attempt to correct the ills of society causes more harm than good. It's a profound examination of Victorian ethics, benefiting a minority over the majority. Butler's groundbreaking novel has significantly influenced multiple writers in literature and beyond.p pWith an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of iErewhoni is both modern and readable.p

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