Behaviour Management: A Whole-School Approach (Rogers Bill)

Behaviour Management: A Whole-School Approach (Rogers Bill)

Behaviour Management: A Whole-School Approach (Rogers Bill)

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Behaviour Management: A Whole-School Approach (Rogers Bill) - termékleírás

strongPraise for the First Edition strong pppemBill Rogers has an entertaining style and communicates his ideas in a way that will be easily accessible to teachers.embrb--Behaviour UK ppbppppemThis is an extremely readable book on children8242s behavior and the management of behavior in a classroom and school context. Provides a useful guide to developing a whole-school approach to positive behavior.embrbi--Amazon Review ppibppppIn this revised and updated edition of the bestseller, the author draws on his extensive experience as an educational consultant and trainer to help teachers and managers develop a whole-school strategy for dealing with student behavior.ppppIn a distinctive accessible and entertaining style, the book offers practical suggestions to support teachers as they face the pressures of accountability, assessment and rising concerns about student behavior. ppppThis resource covers pulliPositive discipline and the importance of consistency liliSpecific skills in the language of discipline, both verbal and non-verbal liliTechniques for managing bullying, aggression, rudeness, and violence liliMethods to use with behaviorally disordered students liliThe 4Rs--rights, rules, responsibilities, and routines liliBehavioral consequences including 8242time-out8242 liliBehavior agreements or 8242contracts8242 liliPlayground management liliSetting up a behavior management plan and expressing it in policyliulppppThis book helps strengthen a school8242s capacity to work as a cohesive, cooperative unit linked with parents and the community to manage behavior successfully.pp

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